To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary year of the Belfast Good Friday agreement, Ulster University welcomes an exhibition for the first time to Northern Ireland, to celebrate one of the occasion’s principal architects, John Hume. In partnership with the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK and The John and Pat Hume Foundation, the exhibit which launched yesterday evening in Derry~Londonderry, will embark on a year-long tour across the university campuses including Coleraine and Belfast.

The display also honours twenty-five years since Hume was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with David Trimble for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland. The exhibition, “He made hope and history rhyme” takes inspiration from the words of fellow Nobel prize winner and friend, Seamus Heaney.

Professor Cathy Gormley-Heenan, Provost Ulster University expresses:

As our year long programme of events reflecting on the Belfast Good Friday agreement draws to a close, its only right that we return again to the architects of change that were instrumental in bringing about the peaceful times that we live in– with all the opportunities and potential they created. We are delighted to partner with the European Parliament Liaison Office UK and The John and Pat Hume Foundation to host this prestigious exhibition at Ulster University. As a son of the city, it is fitting that the exhibition launches its 2024 tour of all our campuses across the region in his home of Derry~Londonderry”  

“An MEP for quarter of a century and European of the Year, Hume worked tirelessly to broker peace and reconciliation in his native land. The everyday injustices of life in the north and especially in his divided hometown led Hume to join the civil rights movement in the 1960s and to forge a philosophy encapsulated in this quote: “Difference is of the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. The answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity.”

Susanne Oberhauser, Director of the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK comments;

“John Hume never tired of reminding us how the peace process in Northern Ireland has been so heavily inspired by the example of the European Parliament and the European project. As he liked to recall: “The union of Europe was the inspiration for our [Good Friday] agreement. The first time I went to Strasbourg in 1979 as a Member of the European Parliament, and I went to neighbouring Germany, I thought that if, in 1945, someone had said that these two countries would be reunited in Europe and that Strasbourg would be the symbol city of this hope, they would have been sent to the psychiatrist. The European Union is the best example of conflict resolution in the history of the world. All the regions at war must study the way in which Europe was built.” Thus, this project is particularly dear to our hearts and we are honoured to contribute to the remembrance of his legacy.”

Tim Attwood, Foundation Secretary, John and Pat Hume Foundation states:

“The John and Pat Hume Foundation welcome this excellent opportunity to partner with the European Parliament Liaison Office UK and Ulster University to showcase John Hume’s work as a Member of the European Parliament and the fact that the mission of the European Union inspired his courageous journey to build peace and reconciliation in Ireland through dialogue, partnership and bridge-building.  

“Two days short of John Hume’s eighty seventh birthday and fifty years after Ireland officially became a member of the European Economic Community (EEC), it is our duty to keep faith with the Hume principles, keep his dream of peace and non-violence alive and inspire current and emerging courageous leaders for peaceful change, at home and in conflicts internationally, who will chart a better way forward and build a more just and prosperous future for all  our children.”

The exhibition features panels with highlights of Hume’s role in the peace process alongside a bronze bust, one of only five specially commissioned pieces created by Ballymena born sculptor, Liz O’Kane. The remaining busts are installed at the Irish embassies in Washington DC, London, the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Leinster House in Dublin. After the tour of Ulster University’s campuses this piece will take up residence in the Guildhall in December 2024. Alongside the exhibition is a creation by Dublin tapestry artist, Catherine O’Connor whose grandparents hail from Derry~Londonderry. The tapestry, commissioned by friends of John and Pat Hume shines a light on Pat and the strength of her relationship with John and her integral role in the peace process.

The exhibition is free and open to the public from Wednesday 17 January – Friday 29 March and is located on the ground floor lobby of the MU building, Derry~Londonderry campus.

A vibrant new arts and culture centre for communities across Derry~Londonderry to celebrate and share their unique cultural heritage officially opened in November.

The New Gate Arts & Culture Centre, located in The Fountain area of Derry~ Londonderry; close to the historic walls and the city centre marks a £2.3 million investment by The Executive Office to create an inclusive shared space for communities to host events and initiatives in a state-of-the-art community facility.

This project is part of The Executive Office’s Urban Villages Initiative aimed at providing funding for projects in five urban areas across Northern Ireland. Managed and overseen by Derry City and Strabane District Council the project is aimed at improving good relation outcomes and develop thriving places where there has been a history of deprivation and community tension. The investment will assist in fostering positive community identities, building community capacity and improving the local physical environment.

The new centre includes a performance and multi-use space, art and tuition rooms, a dance studio, offices and café.

Joan O’Hara, Director, The Executive Office’s Urban Villages programme said the newly completed New Gate Arts and Culture Centre with the adjacent site brings a significant investment to The Fountain area of Derry/ Londonderry. It has become a state-of-the-art, performance space that will create opportunity to celebrate culture and identity with the local community and much wider. Urban Villages also have a keen interest in the organisational development of North-West Cultural Partnership to ensure the capacity and sustainability of such a landmark location.

“This is a fantastic regeneration project for the Fountain area of the city and across the region to provide a shared cultural space right in the heart of the local community. The centre will invigorate the area and encourage the community to come together to celebrate their culture and backgrounds in a space that will use the arts to create new experiences and friendships. We look forward to enjoying this collaborative voice and its potential in the years to come.”

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Patricia Logue said: “The New Gate Arts and Culture Centre plays a hugely positive role in the local community through the provision of services and activities as well as improving the physical environment of the Fountain area. I am delighted that this investment has been completed successfully and that the residents of the Fountain and the wider area can now enjoy this new state of the art performance and cultural facility on their doorstep.”

Kyle Thompson from the North West Cultural Partnership who will be managing the day to day running of the centre thanked everyone involved in the project.

“We are hugely excited to see the Centre completed and the doors open to the public. This investment is a huge boost to the local community and allows us to continue with the positive work we are doing to promote the work that is going on in our community and reaching out to others to share and enjoy our unique cultures and traditions. This new state of the art building allows us to expand our ability to facilitate more activities and events and invite communities from across the city and region to participate and visit this unique shared space.”

The project is the culmination of the development of the Urban Villages Strategic Framework for Derry-Londonderry in 2016 and the preparation of the Fountain Area Strategic Overview in 2018.

As NWCP CEO, Brian Dougherty explained: “‘The centre represents the core focal point in establishing our strategic vision of ‘building a future of confident, creative, and connected people’. By providing further physical infrastructure for our six member groups and broad constituent base, it will allow us to fulfil not only an exciting and creative annual cultural programme but will provide the administrative base for our programme staff to continue developing our civic leadership initiatives.”

The murals were created by Peaball, a street art collective, with the hopes of bringing life to run-down parts of the city. The murals are all done in different styles, showing different images and Peaball member Donal O’Doherty says there’s ‘something there for everyone’.

The murals are part of Peaball’s street art initiative ‘Get Up’ which is intending to brighten up the riverfront and areas around it such as the Strand Road and Ebrington. Murals were recently completed on the new Ebrington Hotel, City Cabs in William Street and Quayside Shopping Centre on the Strand Road.

“We really wanted to get this right,” said Donal. “So, we brought Fintan Magee to do Ebrington Hotel. Fintan’s father was born in Derry, he left during the troubles and Fintan is a world famous, high-end street artist. We had a mural on City Cabs in William Street before and it was a bit tired looking to be honest. James from City Cabs said he wanted to freshen up the whole area to make it light and bright and welcoming for people. William Street is quite a serious street so we wanted something fun and engaging. We worked with Bonsai on that, a London-based artist who has been visiting the city and painting graffiti for over ten years. We talked about this idea over five years ago to take symbols that identify us around the world, such as the shamrock, and put a real modern street art twist on it. I have to say, I think it’s amazing. And the feedback we’ve had is phenomenal.”

“Pyke ‘n’ Pommes, Patricia’s, Primrose, are all trying to animate our riverfront and they’ve got a great scene there,” Donal said. “But, once you pass the Council offices, you navigate three car parks and the back of Quayside before you get into town. We’re hoping to take people off the quay earlier, up to the great food scene around Guapo. We found that a lot of tourists and Derry people alike were drawn over when they seen the artist and were asking questions and I was guiding them to the Mandarin Palace, a staple of Derry restaurants and all the other places around there. I think those businesses were very happy with what we were doing.”

The ‘Get Up’ festival is privately funded, with most of the money sourced by ‘knocking on doors’.

The Tower Museum exhibition celebrating Lisa McGee’s hit TV Series Derry Girls has reached a significant visitor milestone just one month after it opened to the public.

The Maguire family from Sydney Australia this week had the distinction of bringing the total number of visitors to the Derry Girls Experience to 10,000 people.

The exhibition, featuring a range of original items from the show, has been viewed by thousands of locals and visitors from across the world since it officially opened its doors to the public on Monday July 3rd.

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Patricia Logue, said the popularity of the display has surpassed all expectations.

“The Derry Girls Experience has proved a huge draw since it opened just over one month ago,” she said.

“It has more than doubled the projected visitor numbers and is the most visitor numbers we have had since the Tower Museum opened.

“Staff at the Tower have met families who have planned their holidays around visiting the exhibition and the knock on effect of thousands of visitors on the local economy will be significant.

“It proves yet again what a positive impact the show has had in heightening the international profile of our city and attracting visitors from all over the world.”

Roisin Doherty, Curator at the Tower Museum, added: “The Derry Girls Experience celebrates the story of the hit show right in the heart of the city where it is set.

“We have been fortunate to secure some iconic memorabilia for the exhibition and the public have loved the opportunity to see the likes of Erin’s diary, Ma Mary’s Woolworths sweater and the infamous Spice Girls costumes.

“The visitor numbers have surpassed all expectations and show just how popular the show has become not just here but all over the world.”

Odhran Dunne, Chief Executive at Visit Derry, said the exhibition is already playing a key role in promoting the city to global market.

“Attractions such as the new Derry Girls Experience are key to ensuring our continued success in growing our visitor numbers, particularly from international markets.

“In just over one month, the Derry Girls Experience has welcomed 10,000 visitors from over 34 countries.

“The experience has surpassed initial targets as a driver for tourism to the city and region and plays a special role in helping Visit Derry continue to raise the profile of the destination and attract visitors from across the world.”

The Derry Girls exhibition was given the go ahead in January, with £71,000 secured through the Tourism NI Market Led Product Development Programme 2022/23, and additional funds from Council’s Museum Services Programme bringing the budget to £80,000.

It was made possible by a loan agreement with Hat Trick Productions to host a number of items from the original set with a variety of set dressings, furniture and original props from the TV show.

It also uses AR technology to provide interactive elements to the exhibition making it a user friendly experience.

The series has been cleaning up on the awards circuit, most recently gaining two BAFTA awards for the show’s creator Lisa McGee, and star Siobhán McSweeney.

Since airing on Netflix it has reached global audiences, shining a spotlight on the city’s warmth and humour in stark contrast to the dark days of the Troubles.

Last week the show was confirmed as Northern Ireland’s most watched television programme of 2022.

Tickets for the Derry Girls Experience are priced at £4 each and can be booked online at

July witnessed the official launch of the Sperrins Sculpture Trail and unveiling of the three giant art installations that have been created to showcase the geology, archaeology and heritage of the Sperrins.

This innovative tourism project showcases a trio of interrelated and unique art pieces created by world acclaimed artist Thomas Dambo, located at three sites in the Sperrins at Mullaghcarn, along the Glenelly Valley near Cranagh, and at Davagh Forest.

These innovative and inspiring artistic creations celebrate the ancient and intriguing natural beauty of the region and embraces the giant spirit of the local landscape.

The Sperrins Sculpture Trail is delivered by Derry City and Strabane District Council in partnership with Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council and is part of a wider plan to promote this popular area of natural, unspoilt beauty and drive rural tourism and investment in the local natural and built heritage.

The Sperrins Sculpture Trail is delivered through the Rural Tourism Scheme as part of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 with funding support of over £1.32m from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) with match funding totalling £568k from the partner Councils.

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Patricia Logue, speaking at the site of the trail at the Glenelly Valley site near Cranagh said she was hugely supportive of the project and very impressed with the giant sculptures.

She said: “I am delighted that this hugely important tourism project for the Sperrins is now complete and ready to be actively marketed and promoted as a major tourism attraction for this really beautiful scenic area. I am confident that it will bring much needed investment to the region and encourage visitors from across the globe to visit our amazing rural heartlands, whilst preserving the natural assets for our rural communities and linking in with the work being done at a regional level to embrace the giant spirit of our local landscape and natural environment.”

The Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Dominic Molloy speaking about the Davagh site said: ““It is my pleasure to formally welcome Ceoldán the Giant to the Sperrins and to OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory, one of only two International Dark Sky parks on the island of Ireland. The inclusion of such a striking sculpture in the ancient heart of Mid Ulster can only add to the exciting experiences already in place that are open to our local and international visitors. In forging this link with our neighbouring Council areas, we are working collaboratively to maximise the benefits for our local rural economies west of the Bann.”

Speaking about the project, Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor Thomas O Reilly, said:

“We are thrilled to be a part of the Sperrins Sculpture Trail featuring a trio of giant sculptures. These interrelated and unique art pieces created by world-acclaimed artist Thomas Dambo not only showcase his artistic brilliance but also highlights the natural, unspoiled beauty of the region. It will serve as a catalyst to drive rural sustainable tourism, attract investment, and preserve our local natural and built heritage. We anticipate the Trail will captivate visitors locally, regionally, and internationally, leaving them with unforgettable giant experiences of the Sperrins”.

Welcoming news of the completion of the project, DAERA Director of Rural Affairs Teresa O’Neill said: “ I am delighted that DAERA,  through the Rural Tourism Scheme strand of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, has been able to support this project. 

Tourism is one of the key economic drivers for Northern Ireland and I congratulate the three Councils involved for developing and delivering unique and iconic artistic creations at the three sites in the Sperrins. This innovative project will attract additional visitors to this rural part of Northern Ireland and will therefore provide a timely boost to the local economy”. 

A spokesperson from McGurk Architects added: “As a local firm based in the Mid Ulster area, McGurk Architects are proud to have led and managed this unique project from design competition stage through to final completion on site.

In July 2022, Colm McGurk (Director and founder of McGurk Architects) sadly passed away, suddenly and after a short illness. Colm’s research into the history, geology and folklore of the Sperrins was instrumental to the award of this contract to McGurk Architects and Colm told everyone he met about the Giants of Sperrin.  

We believe that the Giants enhance the identity of our region and trust that they will be cherished and enjoyed by many future generations.

Artist Thomas Dambo said: “Working in Northern Ireland has been a great challenge. Most of my sculptures around the world are made from trash like discarded pallet wood, because my main mission is to show the world how to transform trash into treasure. But for The Sperrins I was asked to build my sculptures to last for 60 years and this has been a push to learn how to work with longevity in a responsible way.

“To make ‘The Three Giants and the Campfires in the Sky’ a reality I had to learn about responsible forestry, European Oak and natural preservatives. I also salvaged tons of residual wood from Danish furniture makers to make sure my work would still be in line with my core values. Because we must leave this planet a better place!

“I have worked through Chinese bureaucracy, Caribbean heatwaves and climbed steep slopes to build on the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee – but what met my crew in the misty hills of the Sperrins made me realise that most of the world doesn’t have weather – Northern Ireland though – you’ve got weather! Thank you.”

The three locations are at Cranagh (Derry City and Strabane District Council area); at Mullaghcarn (Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area) and at Davagh Forest (Mid Ulster District Council area).

Copenhagen based artist Thomas Dambo and his team have worked alongside the design and construction consultancy team McGurk Architects to take forward the development of this hugely exciting and innovative project that will not only showcase the epic stories associated with the Sperrins, the inspirational nature of the landscape but also the giant spirit and welcome of its people.

Walled City Music welcomed over 30 pianists to Derry in July, for the 2023 edition of its International Piano Festival. Festival Director Derry-born Cathal Breslin, acclaimed concert pianist and professor at Arizona State University, were joined by an international faculty of tutors at Ulster University, Magee, as they lead 25 piano students through a packed schedule of masterclasses, workshops and concerts from July 10-17, 2023.

The Festival’s student body represents the world’s up and coming generation of young pianists, bringing talent together from nationalities including Ireland, UK, Europe, USA, Taiwan, China, Iran, the Philippines, New Zealand and Korea. Over the 8 days of the Festival, these young artists were provided with an immersive and inspiring environment in the Magee campus of Ulster University.

The international faculty, that delivered the Festival’s series of masterclasses, workshops and interviews, included Professors Thérèse Fahy (Royal Irish Academy of Music), Chu-Fang Huang (Ameri-China International Music Association), Chih-Long Hu (University of Tennessee), Svetozar Ivanov (University of South Florida), Pei-Chun Liao (University of Taipei) and Cahill Smith (Utah State University).

Throughout the week, exciting variety concerts by the faculty and students were open to the public, with multiple pianists performing solo piano works and works for 4, 6 and 8 hands, as well as two days of performances at the Festival’s International Competition.

Professor Cathal Breslin said,

“I am delighted to bring such an exciting international piano festival and competition to Derry for the 4th year. It is an amazing opportunity to welcome these talented young stars of the future to our city, from so many different countries, and to work and refine their musical skills with some of the greatest pianists in the world. The concerts are going to be a big highlight for me, as it is very rare to see multiple pianists on stage together performing. Come along and see the excitement for yourself!”

In addition to its core support from Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Derry and Strabane District Council, the 2023 Festival was sponsored by Yamaha and local taxi company City Cabs. The Festival took place in partnership with Ulster University, Contemporary Music Centre Ireland and Christ Church.

The Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council has congratulated the staff at the Tower Museum following their recent World Travellers’ Choice Award for 2023 and welcoming 10,000 visitors so far to the Derry Girls Experience.

The coveted Travellers’ Choice Award celebrates businesses that have consistently received great traveller reviews on TripAdvisor over the last 12 months, placing these winners among the 10% of all listings on TripAdvisor globally.

Mayor Patricia Logue said she was delighted to hear the news and wanted to say a huge well done to all those involved in reaching this milestone.

“To be placed among the top 10% of all listings on this travel search global platform is something to be celebrated, congratulations to the team at the Tower Museum. The Derry Girls Experience has proven to be incredibility popular and resonates strongly with all those visiting the city and district.  It also works well alongside the Story of Derry and Armada Shipwreck exhibitions already on display in the Museum which offers a great choice for visitors and a must see for anyone planning a trip here.”

Congratulating the staff in The Tower Museum, John Boris, Chief Growth Officer at TripAdvisor, said, “Congratulations to the 2023 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice winners. The travel resurgence we’ve seen throughout the past year has even further heightened the competition. Earning a Travellers’ Choice Award demonstrates that you have provided great experiences to those who matter most: your guests. With changing expectations, continued labour shortages and rising costs, this is no easy feat, and I am continually impressed with hospitality industry resilience and ability to adapt. Cheers to another successful year!”

The Tower Museum is a Tourism Northern Ireland 4 star graded attraction showcasing multiple exhibitions and events throughout the year. They offer a diverse range of historical and contemporary themes for the visitor to explore and learn about the political conflict that has shaped the city and country.  It is described as a ‘must for those unfamiliar with Northern Ireland’s war-torn past’.

Check out all the reviews and discover more about The Tower Museum on TripAdvisor here

For more information on the Tower Museum and to view its current collections, please visit

It’s been captivating audiences around the world since the award-winning comedy series Derry Girls first hit our screens, and now it’s coming home, as the Tower Museum prepares to showcase a treasure trove of original items from the show, courtesy of creator Lisa McGee and Hat Trick Productions.

The city that inspired Lisa’s wickedly nostalgic tribute to growing up in N. Ireland, will host the collection, which features an array of the iconic costumes and set pieces that set the scene for 90’s Derry.

A date has now been set for the unveiling of the fantastic new showcase of all things Derry Girls, and the exhibition will officially open its doors on Monday July 3rd with a special 90’s inspired opening event at 6pm.

The collection will remain on display over the coming months, and is expected to be a huge draw for visitors from around the world who have been won over by the show’s heart warming and hilarious take on teenage life during the conflict. The series has been cleaning up on the awards circuit, most recently gaining two BAFTA awards for the show’s creator, and also star Siobhán McSweeney. Since airing on Netflix it has reached global audiences, shining a spotlight on the city’s warmth and humour in stark contrast to the dark days of the Troubles.

Announcing the opening date for the exhibition today, Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor Patricia Logue, said the collection would be a fantastic legacy for the City. “I am so excited to see the Derry Girls collection coming home to Derry where it will be warmly welcomed by everyone. I really want to thank Tourism NI for their support and both Lisa McGee and Hat Trick Productions for working with Council to establish this legacy for the series, bringing it back to its original roots. And also to acknowledge the support of NI Screen/Northern Ireland Screen in recognising the amazing potential of locations like Derry as the backdrop for exciting new film and TV productions and their support with this experience.

“To have iconic memorabilia like Erin’s diary, Aunt Sarah’s famous pyjamas and Ma Mary’s Woolworths sweater, not to mention the infamous Spice Girls costumes in our Museum Collection, will really be a major resource for Derry and help bring the story back to where Lisa McGee found her inspiration in the family, friends and the streets of this city where she grew up.

“There is already an upsurge in visitors who have been drawn here to find out more about the origins of the show, the history that shaped it, and this collection will add further to the Derry Girls experience for visitors. I look forward to the exhibition launch, and also plans to develop that experience throughout the city involving a range of partners dedicated to telling the story of Derry.”

While the launch event is for invited guests, a number of special tickets are available for the public, more information will be issued closer to the event.

Head of Culture with Derry City and Strabane District Council, Aeidin McCarter, said there was already great interest in the exhibition. “We are just delighted to announce the opening of this exhibition which is a fitting tribute to Lisa McGee’s creation and really takes it all back to its origins. It’s an opportunity to tell the story right here in the city and for visitors to see it in the context of the place that Lisa wanted to celebrate.

“Hat Trick Productions have been fantastic in recognising the importance of that legacy and we are considering now the longer-term significance of the collection and how it can be used to showcase the city. We are looking forward to working with Visit Derry, Tourism NI and all our tourism and hospitality partners to develop that wider experience and really give visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Derry Girls story while they are here. It has huge tourism potential and we will work in partnership to explore new ideas around the Derry Girls theme that will benefit a range of businesses here in the city.”

Plans for a pilot Derry Girls Exhibition were given the go ahead in January, with £71,000 secured through the Tourism NI Market Led Product Development Programme 2022/23, and additional funds from Council’s Museum Services Programme bringing the budget to £80,000. After formalising a loan agreement with Hat Trick Productions, the exhibition will feature a whole host of times from the original set with a variety of set dressings, furniture and original props from the TV show. It will also use AR technology to provide some interactive elements to the exhibition making it a really user friendly experience.

The Derry Girls Experience will go on public display on July 4th, running until July 2024.

Derry Girls has gone out on a high with three Bafta wins for its third and final series.

The Channel 4 sitcom, following the lives of five teenagers in 1990s Derry, was named Best Scripted Comedy at the Bafta TV Awards, while actress Siobhan McSweeney – who plays Sister Michael – won the award for Best Female Performance in a Comedy Programme.

Creator Lisa McGee was also named Best Comedy Writer at the Television Craft awards, a Bafta event celebrating the finest talent in the TV industry.

Picking up the Best Scripted Comedy Bafta with cast and crew from the show, McGee paid tribute to “our first home, Derry, with its unbreakable spirit and hilarious characters”.

She added: “What a muse you have been.” Meanwhile, the Bafta for Best Single Documentary was awarded to The Real Mo Farah. The BBC documentary, about the Somali-born British Olympic star, was co-produced by Red Bull Studios under the helm of Derry-born Bernadette McDaid

A special masterclass focusing on the growing medical health and life sciences sector, part of a series of events on regional economic development in the UK & Ireland, has taken place in Derry this week, hosted by Derry City and Strabane District Council.

The ‘Joining the Dots’ series is delivered by Connected Places Catapult in partnership with the British Embassy in Dublin, and aims to support civic leadership, trade and cultural exchange between the UK and Ireland, maximising the unique connection in terms of learning.

Running from March 28th-30th, the masterclass event honed in on the area of healthcare and innovation, with wider reflections on how healthcare outcomes impact on engaging communities into economies.

A range of local academic, healthcare and industry partners took part in the three-day event, which featured talks, workshops and panel discussions geared towards strengthening connections and identifying shared opportunities.

Previous Joining the Dots events have already taken place in Belfast, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Liverpool, Manchester, Coventry and Birmingham centring around themes such as Digitisation of Industry, Advanced Manufacturing, Health & Life Sciences, Urban Regeneration, Creative Industries, and Inclusive Innovation.

Speaking ahead of the event, Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor Sandra Duffy, said it offered the opportunity to share best practice and explore common interests. “The masterclass event offers the chance to showcase the North West City Region and the exciting projects currently being developed here,” she said.

“We have a pivotal role to play in the wider economy and a strong record of success in cross-jurisdictional working due to our unique location which is a fantastic example of best practice. The event provides a platform for sharing those experiences and also highlighting the ground-breaking work that is being delivered here in terms of innovation, research and development, personalised medicine and digital technology.”

Among the areas explored were Derry’s unique heritage and culture and how heritage regeneration has helped transform the city. Wednesday featured a conference event focusing on making health relevant and how to engage the community in designing and achieving better healthcare outcomes, to the benefit of the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Discussions also centred on creating a healthy city and the role of AI, data driven healthcare, pharmacogenomics, and ethics. Other key themes included cross-jurisdictional partnership working, civic leadership and how academia can help shape policy. Delegates had the opportunity to take part in a number of site visits to key academic and industry facilities and to engage in follow up meetings with local stakeholders.

Looking ahead to the event, Elin Burns, Deputy Head of Mission with the British Embassy in Dublin, said: “As we approach the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, it is fantastic to see city representatives from GB, Ireland and Northern Ireland gather in Derry-Londonderry to tackle the challenges of improving healthcare outcomes for all their citizens. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone at this ‘Joining the Dots’ event to build on the excellent work that regional collaboration has already achieved.”

Paul Wilson, Chief Business Officer at Connected Places Catapult, said: “Creating meaningful connections between cities and regions is crucial for addressing society’s greatest challenges. Through the Joining the Dots programme, we aim to support civic leadership, trade, and cultural exchange between the UK and Ireland by sharing best practices and learnings. This collaborative approach will help identify shared opportunities and ultimately drive positive change.”

Find out more about the wider Joining the Dots programme here